We began this workshop holding a four pack of Mars Bars (£1 from a Tesco Metro). We didn’t know where any of the ingredients came from, or what, even, the ingredients were. We didn’t how the ingredients got to the factory, how the packets were made, and where. We were completely ignorant of any of the processes it takes to make one chocolate bar.
And what if something were to happen to shipping? To the power supply? To the cows? Where would the electricity come from to refrigerate the milk? What food would still make it to Big Sainsburys? If one choclate bar is so difficult, what about the food system in general? What will we eat after the end of everything?
This workshop aimed to help people start preparing for this eventuality. It was split in two: the morning was a foraging walk, led by local grower and forager John Noble. The afternoon was a rabbit catching workshop, with our very own Tom James (me).